Prestige Security Solutions

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Wired vs wireless alarm systems (part 1)

NB. The comments in this blog are based on brands that we install eg. DSC, IDS, Paradox, Caddy, Texecom, EVO Digiplex and AJAX. These brands meet the security industry standards and  are accepted as being SAISDA compliant.


With ever changing technology it was only a matter of time before a wireless alarm system was developed. Although wireless alarm systems have been around for a number of years Prestige Security Solutions have in the last two years seen a surge in the number of business and domestic enquiries relating to wireless alarm systems.


Frequently asked questions which customers ask Prestige Security Solutions technicians are:

(Q) Is a wireless alarm system 100% wire free?

(A) No, In a wireless alarm system your main components such as the alarm panel, repeaters, sirens and receivers are generally wired to mains power source and only uses backup power when the main power supply is not present. All the detectors such door contacts, indoor/outdoor passives and relays are wireless or wire free. And are powered exclusive by batteries.

(Q) How long do the batteries last?

(A) When using high quality lithium batteries or the batteries recommended by the manufacturer you can expect the batteries to last upto 5 years depending on the device configuration.

(Q) Can I take the alarm system with me when I move?

(A) Yes, the alarm system can be easily removed and installed in a new location. When removing your alarm system we recommended that you use an alarm technician to remove and reinstall the system.

(Q) Can an existing wired alarm be converted to a wireless alarm system?

(A) Yes, most alarm systems have modules which can be added onto the main panel allowing you to add wireless devices. Alternatively, you can have a hybrid system using both wired and wireless devices.

(Q) Can the wireless signal of my alarm be jammed?

(A) Signal jamming is a reality but fortunately the manufactures have factored in this possibility by monitoring the system for signal jamming. Should your alarm system detect signal jamming the system if programmed correctly will register an alert on the keypad, phone app (if used) and send a signal to your monitoring company.


Please visit part two of this blog for the rest of the article which deals with amongst other things, the pros and cons of a wireless alarm system.